Hi Dojo!
I created an Automationscript solution on GitHub and configured the "CI" action workflow:
GitHub reusable workflows | DataMiner Docs
I'm satisfied to have this validation in place to see if my scripts + NuGets are compiling, as well as the analyses that run on Sonar-Cloud to get code feedback.
Now my question is:
How can I download this package to deploy it on a remote DMS? (Note that the remote DMS is not yet Cloud Connected so I can't Deploy over the cloud via "CD" or "CICD" workflows)
I noticed on the REPO itself there seem to be no releases or packages available. (see image below)
Should they have ended up in there? Thank you.
Hi Thijs
atm it is not possible to download this package from GitHub. We only support direct deployment to a system that is connected to dataminer.services.

Thanks Baptiste. This would be a useful feature in my opinion. So hope it could get in there one day 🙂