In a QAction in C#, I try to retrieve a value in a table ID 1000. The parameter is a string called "Subscription ID" and is also the IDX of the table. I use the following command to proceed in a "for {}" loop:
for (int i = 1;i <= row ; i++)
string sI = i.ToString();
subscription_ID = Convert.ToString(protocol.GetParameterIndexByKey(1000, sI, 1));
The table is 35 row length but for each of them I receive the following error message:
NT_GET_PARAMETER_INDEX for 1000/1/1 failed. 0x80040221
NT_GET_PARAMETER_INDEX for 1000/2/1 failed. 0x80040221
etc ...
Here follows the header of the table:
<Param id="1000" trending="true">
<Name>Remotes Status</Name>
<Description>Remotes Status</Description>
<ArrayOptions index="0">
<ColumnOption idx="0" pid="1001" type="retrieved" value="" options="" />
<ColumnOption idx="1" pid="1002" type="r ....
I use the same method to retrieve parameter from another table and it works correctly. Both tables are filled with data. So why would it work fine with one table but not with another?
I will be very grateful for any idea:)
Hi Michiel,
Before I can try your code, do you see anything wrong with my line to retrieve the "subscription_ID" parameter:
subscription_ID = Convert.ToString(protocol.GetParameterIndexByKey(1000, sI, 1));
Knowing that "1000" is the table ID, sI is the row # starting from 1 and "1" is the column # where my data is located.