I'm creating an ad hoc data source and I would like to generate some information events.
Since we don't have access to the engine object, i'm using the GQIDMS object to have access to SLNet calls.
Is there a way to generate an information event through the GQIDMS object?
I used this snippet in an ad hoc data source to generate information events.
public void DebugInfo(string debugInfo)
var request = new GenerateAlarmMessage();
request.Comment = "";
request.Severity = AlarmSeverity.Information;
request.Status = AlarmStatus.Cleared;
request.Value = "DEBUG:" + debugInfo;
note: This is an internal call and we do not recommend using this, as it is not officially supported and we cannot guarantee that it will still work in the future. As a rule, you should avoid using SLNet calls, as these are subject to change without notice.

Thanks Klaas, does what it has to do for me.