Dear Dojo,
I have a technical question about how the session is established between a DMA and an End Point.
I ask this question because we have firewalls between DMAs and end points and we want to understood if :
- a session is established when the element is activated and this session will be continuous until we stopped the element
- a session is open only when a polling is initiate by the element and when the polling answer came back the session is released ?
Thanks for your answers
Simon N.

That depends on the type of communication and the end point behavior, and what is understood under Session. I'm assuming that session means the TCP connection is made and kept open.
-SNMP is using UDP, so in that case there will not really be a session that will be kept open as there is no TCP handshake.
-The classic "serial" communication through TCP sets up the connection when sending the first command (not at startup of the element). The connection stays open until either the element is stopped, or the end point would be sending the "FIN" by itself to close the connection.
-In case of "smart-serial" communication as server, DataMiner will be listening for incoming TCP traffic initiated by the end point and the TCP connection will remain open until one sends the FIN message, similar like above.
-The "HTTP" communication closes the TCP connection after the last request has been sent (see Introduction | DataMiner Docs ). I tested this with Connection: Keep-alive and one minute after receiving the last response, the "FIN" will also be sent.
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