We are currently on v9.5 looking to transitions shortly to v10.2.
Our UAT has raised an issue with filtering by column:
In 9.5, one can type the first two or three letters of the column followed by a colon, then the search object, e.g., in the Ack Motivation column, you can type ac:3038, and it will filter on 3038 alarms.
In 10.2 it appears to only work in columns where the name of the column has no spaces. So this will not work for the Ack Motivation or the Site Name columns, but it will work, for instance, with the Service column.
Anybody come across this before, and is there a workaround other then eliminating the spaces between the words in the column headings?
Hi Tom,
If you add your filter as follows :
"Ack Motivation":3038
you will be able to filter on the columns which contain a space.

Thank you, Michael. I did find that in the Help section though our operators work in a high alarm volume environment and really benefit from the time savings the shorthand filter available in 9.5 provides.
I think, however, that I have provided an answer to our operator group using the save filters function in the search window. I believe if they adopt this way of working that would render the issue moot. Thanks 🙂