I´d like to ask, if how can a Question be marked as favorite and be displayed at the side panel with the topics that where also started or commented by my user.
If not possible, I´d like to request that feature similar to RECENT QUESTIONS becouse here are plenty of interesting topics that might be useful in the future and I´d like to bookmark them to be easy to find them when needed.
Sorting Voted questions is also attractive option to it.
Best regards
Hi Henrique,
Great suggestions. We'll review what we can do.
I believe it would be feasible to add your questions and questions you have commented on, and to have that for example on your user profile page. But will have to check how easy or difficult this will be.
But I also wanted to point out that questions can be sorted by different properties, including the votes, by using the Order By at the top. Or is this not what you meant to said "sorting voted questions"?

Thanks Ben,
I´d be glad if I could record the questions that are myself interesting to remember. In the future, I case I need some Idea, instead of remembering the correct term to search at the top, I will have the topic already at my right panel side in this platform.
This would be similar to click over favorites and save it link by link to a folder in the browser.
In the future, If you are using IA, you can also track what are most relevant data I like and suggest ideas according to my profile skills or Project needs. (there are plenty use for that).