Hi Dojo,
I keep getting these errors in SLErrors.txt. I've been trying to publish a protocol from DIS and even though the protocol seems to get uploaded no changes are visible. I've tried copying the protocol and the results are the same.
Protocol is huge, 500k+ lines and I'm suspecting it got too big. I've been able to add new table before this started happening. Is there a limit for size of protocol, or is this unrelated to it?
Any help is appreciated.
Hi Edib,
Can you try validating your protocol and rebuilding the solution to see if there are any critical errors that might prevent the protocol to compile properly
Also doubt it will make a difference but have you tried saving your protocol as .dmprotocol using the "Save Compiled Protocol As..." and uploading it to your DMA using that?

Hi Frans,
I talked to an Expert DevOps, turns out there is an issue with uploading DVE drivers. Workaround is to remove existing driver before uploading new version because some links are preserved between child elements.