When I open the root page of my DMA, I get the following error:
Failed to setup a connection with the DataMiner Agent: Problem communicating with ipc://slnetipc/SLNetService: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified.
When I try to start DataMiner Cube, I get the following error:
Start the DataMiner software manually or contact your system administrator.
Does anyone know how I can solve this?
Btw, my DMA uses STaaS.

Hi Alberto. Thanks for the tip. I added a timeout to SLCloud.xml, but unfortunately that didn’t help. Awaiting other comments…
Managed to get my DMA running again by doing the following:
1) Uninstall & re-install NAS and NATS (using C:\Skyline DataMiner\Files\SLEndpointTool_Console.exe with default values)
2) Renew my cloud session (via SLNetClientTest > Offline tools > CcaGateway (offline) > Renew Cloud Session)
Thank you for your answer as this helped me fix my problem as well.
For others who may face the same issue, please note that to verify if the SLEndpointTool_Console.exe is working as intended, both the NAS and NATS services (they can be found under “Task Manager” -> “Services”) are of the “Running” status. In my case, the NAS service was stuck with a “Disabled” status and I manually emptied the “C:Skyline DataMinerNATS” folder before re-installing NAS and NATS via the SLEndpointTool_Console.exe.
Hi Jose,
Since you mention STaaS, I’d check the timeout values for NATS/IPC comms:
If these are ok, could be a port no longer allowed in your FW but required for NATS – Subscribing to this question as I have something similar – but originating a different notice message, i.e.:
Notice Alarm: ‘DataMiner run-time’ is ‘Unexpected Exception
[Failed to write to an IPC Port: The pipe is being closed.