Hi All,
If we have an element in Dataminer and want the collected data to be available in an external application on a semi real time basis what are the available options to provide the data to the external application. ?
On our Juniper elements we would like the interface usage data to be available in an existing separate statistical monitoring application.
Hi Neil,
Next to the Offload Database option listed here by Miguel, you can also access the information available in your DataMiner System through the Web Services API.

Hi Jim,
The clientApp name can be a name of your choice.
Once you have defined a name, you need to register the app name with Skyline.
To do so, please get in touch with your Technical contact at Skyline.
Hi All – from the 3 options that have been posted, Web Service API mentioned here seems to be the most suitable. The ConnectApp method requires a “ClientAppName” string.
From the DataMiner documentation – “For the ClientAppName, a registered app name must be specified. If this is not done, the connection will be removed after 10 minutes.”
Does anyone know what registered app name can be used?