Hi :
I am using Cube 9.5. Is there a way in cube I can list all elements with a keyword (filtering) and export the filtered elements with their polling IP?
for example, i enter 'Zerto' keyword in the Cube and it will list all the elements have "Zerto" keyword in their names and then I can export the elements list which has the names and IP?

Hi Miao,
This is possible. Follow the instructions here for CSV export. Just make sure you've filtered the list as required and selected all items.
NOTE: As you are using an older DM version, some small things may differ.

Unfortunately, as stated in the help, the multiple selection is not available in DM 9.5. If the elements exist in one view, they can be exported multi-export that way from the surveyor.
anyway i can directly query the DM local database to get the result? can not export multiple elements to a .csv file is really a pain.
As this question has been inactive for a long time, we will now close it. If you want further assistance, feel free to post a new question about this topic.