What would be an easy way (if any available) to export the default values for all config (read/write) parameters in the DMS. We are looking for a format that can be used for compliance auditing.
Header: Connector, Parameter, Default Value
content: my connector name, parameter name, 25

The initial description should have said Config parameters (Read/Write) since write parameters don’t have default values. What we need is to compile the default value for config parameters, so operators can have a reference to them in an easy to read fashion when checking the system compliance across environments (STG -> PROD). We are currently looking at a DIS plugin (Macros) that might be able to allow us to get this information. Will post back here if we can make it work.
Hi Rene,
DIS Macros would be a good way of accomplishing this, especially because you can use the "SLDisModel" library to help with representing a parameter as it exists in the XML (with its structure and data) as an object you can manipulate in C# code. The DIS Macro would let you use Skyline libraries for iterating through all parameters, finding all pairs of read-write parameters, and searching for a "default value" within the "Interprete" XML tag. After you have these values, it's trivial to organize them however you wish and export them in a friendly format like a CSV file.
HI Rene – what do you mean exactly with the ‘default’ values for all write parameters?