In case a SNMP table needs to be exported to multiple different DVEs.
Which would be the best method to follow?
Is there some driver that does something similar already?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Julio,
Is it the same row of the SNMP table that needs to be exported to multiple DVEs?
Or one row of the SNMP table to one DVE and another row to another DVE?
If the same data needs to be present in multiple DVEs then how is the linking: will a DVE contain multiple rows of the SNMP table or is it expected to have only one row present per DVE? Can exported parameters of that SNMP table have alarming?

If DVEs can have multiple children and a child can appear in multiple DVEs then you would need an m-to-n table in between to make the relation. Note that you’re entering undefined behavior. At this moment (DataMiner 10), an alarm can only be linked to one element, meaning when the data is present in multiple DVEs that there will only be one element that will have the alarm, the other element(s) will be able to display the data but the severity of the alarm will not be reflected in the element severity. These m-to-n relations could potentially have an impact on the performance.
My advice would be to copy the data so every DVE has its own data and severity. Besides that, if the same data needs to be present in multiple elements then it feels like there is something wrong with the design as the concept of a DVE is to display data of a certain physical device (eg a card) and the main element contains the other data (eg about the device where the card is inserted)
Hi Laurens,
The same row of the SNMP table will indeed be exported to multiple DVEs. The DVE will contain multiple rows of the SNMP table. I believe they can have alarming – we have existing tables that are exported correctly that do have alarming.