Can you provide an example for executing an automation script on a session variable change?
I've tried using the following shape data on both the page and shape level but the script is not executed.
Script:Session Variable Test||snp_name_proc=[cardvar:snp_name_proc]|||NoConfirmation,CloseWhenFinished,trigger=valuechanged
When I assign that shape data to a shape, clicking the shape executes the script succesfully.
Hi Jim,
The syntax looks something like this.
Script:ScriptName|DummyName=ElementName(or DmaID/ElementID);...|ParameterName1=MyParam;ParameterName2=#ValueFile;...|MemoryName=MemoryFileName;...|ToolTip|Options|Trigger=ValueChanged
It looks like you're close, but you need to separate the trigger from the options with a pipe.

@Toon , is there a prefix to go in front of the Trigger=ValueChanged?
Note, to make it easier for you, we have added a way to order your syntax in any way you like (and leave out the ones that are empty) as of 10.2.0/10.1.1. This can be done by using prefixes like “Parameters:”, “Dummies:”… You can check the help for more info: https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/linking_shapes/Linking_a_shape_to_an_Automation_script.html?q=scriptpage