Does anyone recognize the exception below? I'd appreciate some guidance troubleshooting this issue.
Unfortunately, we have no access to this system which makes the task of finding the root-cause even harder. More information is available in task 135276.
This could be caused by some corrupted dll files (eg due to a Windows update).
From our development team, I received these instructions when faced with the same exception.
Note that this is a potential solution, it's not guaranteed it will fix the issue.
- Go to the folder located at C:\Users <User>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA
- In this folder there is another folder, open this one.
- Sort the files by ‘Date modified’ so the most recent one is on top.
- Delete this dll.
- Delete also the dll’s with the same ‘Date modified’ as the first one you deleted.
- Restart Alerter
Please check if this gets rid of the issue.

Problem is solved. The only difference was I had to delete all DLL files from the folder. There were 2 total, modified about a month apart. Deleting the most recent did not solve the problem but deleting both did. Thanks!