Im creating a protocol and when i try to upload y have this log:
2024/08/19 00:58:16.179|> Start processing dmprotocol...
2024/08/19 00:58:16.737|> Finished executing UploadProtocolPackage with errors:
2024/08/19 00:58:16.737|> Completed processing dmprotocol with error: Error adding protocol file.
I try with a emply protocol to remove parameters, qaction that could be the error and happens the same.
in the both case im creating the protocol as solution.
Hi Juan,
Can I ask if your protocol contains a tag similar then the one below?
<MinimumRequiredVersion> - 12603</MinimumRequiredVersion>
If your protocol has this. Would it be possible to verify if the "MinimumRequiredVersion" is low or equal to the version the DMA/DMS it is installed on. This is possible reason it can fail to upload/install the protocol.

As I can see this is the reason.
DMA version:
Protocol version:
This indicates that the protocol has a newer version then the DMA. The DMA will block the upload/install of the protocol as the version op the protocol is to high.
how can i fixed? im creating a new protocol from cero, i remove the tag with version but still not working

In the tag MinimumRequiredVersion try to add: – 11517
It works, thanks
yes it has by default this comment:
true – 12603
the agent has “DataMiner (”
i remove the MinimumRequiredVersion tag but had the same problem