When i tried to connect and publish the code from Visual studio 2022 and DIS version 3.1.6 in windows 11, I get this error -
Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel
I tried test connection with dev dataminer, connection is successful but when i try to publish, im getting the SSL error.
I have updated the visual studio and restarted the machine but still same.

A new update for DIS is available. This should resolve the issue.
The certificate is configured properly

What url or ip are you using to connect to the DMA? Can you verify if that url/ip is listed in the Subject or the Subject Alternative Names under the details tab of the certificate info?

Yes it is, my point is when I do test connection it succeeds means everything is good, on DIS connect it throws this error why?

The reason is that the test connection checks the conventional connection towards the DMA (.NET remoting or gRPC). However, in the latest version, DIS also requires an HTTPS connection to the DMA, which is not checked when testing the connection.
I am facing the same issue
Windows 11
Visual Studio Version: Version 17.13.2
DIS version : 3.1.6
I see when go to DIS connect on test connection it says succeeded but when I connect to agent it throws the error same as Barani added
Even I restarted Dataminer Cloud and Clore Gateway services too then also issue remains