Performing a Dataminer upgrade to release 10.1, we get the following error/exception immediately after clicking the upgrade button:
The reason for this error is because the size of the upgrade package of release 10.1 goes a little bit beyond the maximum allowed size, default to 500MB.
In the release note RN24922, this default will be significantly increased (
In the meantime, as a workaround, we shall use the SLNet Client Test Tool and manually change the default maximum, e.g.:

Thanks Wouter, this is a very important remark indeed, it means I should change the maximum once again, this time to 4000MB to match the RN value and to avoid a similar issue in the future.
That mentioned RN 24922 was already introduced since DataMiner 10.0[CU0] (=first version) and 9.6.0[CU11].
This means that the upgrade to 10.1 was executed on a DataMiner version that was prior to these versions i.e. < 9.6.0[CU11].
See this Documentation link on how the upgrade a DMA/DMS that mentions under "Perform a pre-upgrade check on the day before the upgrade", under step 3:
- "To upgrade to a major DataMiner version that is several versions higher than the current version, upload a package for each major version change. For example, to upgrade from 9.0 to 10.0, you will first need to upgrade to 9.5, then to 9.6, and then to 10.0."
In other words the update here should have at least been first to version 10.0 (or also first even 9.6 when coming from 9.5), then to 10.1. This way the mentioned problem would not have occurred and you could have also missed other things that are executed when going from one main release branch to another e.g. potential database or file content structures that have not been adapted because the intermediate main update packet has not been executed.

You are right, here we skipped the intermediate upgrade to 10.0.
Be aware that overriding the MaxUploadSize setting will take precedence over any default value. This means that setting the value to 700 MB now will keep the setting at 700MB even after a version with RN24922 (4000 MB default) has been installed.