Hello all,
I was investigating for the issue regarding the notice alarms below, which happened around the time when DMAs had the network outrage.
From the screenshot provided, it seems that the thread problem is affecting x.x.11.22 DMA.
I checked from the dojo post: Understanding the "MESSAGE: No more threads can be created in the system." error. - DataMiner Dojo that "no more threads can be created" error can happen if the process is consuming the memory up to its address space limit.
When I was checking memory usage for the server with the IP x.x.11.22, I can see that SLDMS was consuming up to 1.9 GB as shown below before the reboot of the server.
Also from the SLNet logs before the server reboot:
After the reboot, the notice alarms are still being active and are not cleared as well.
I would like to verify if:
1) If those notice alarms are occurring due to high amount of memory usage by SLDMS process? If not, may I know what can cause the issue?
2) How can I verify that the error synchronization issue is being resolved?
3) Is there any additional things that I should check as the notice alarms are not being cleared after the reboot?
Thank you for all the help.

Hi Min,
It looks as though the SLDMS process ran out of memory.
Since it is a 32-bit process, that means that it can use at most 2 Gb of memory unless the largeaddressaware flag is set:
The /LARGEADDRESSAWARE (LAA) flag - Remedy for out-of-memory errors - Codekabinett
For SLDMS this was done in RN33234 released in DataMiner 10.1.0 CU5, 10.2.0 CU3 and 10.2.6.
Note however that you may need to look into why the SLDMS memory appears to be increasing over time.
It may be good to check for SLDMS RTEs, ensure that network performance is up to snuff or that not a very large number of documents (or overly large documents themselves) are being synced.

Thank you for the information Laurens.
Will try to check on it next time if the issue happens again.
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If you’ve been able to solve this with Laurens’s answer, could you select the answer?