Related to following subject in the help documentation there are some questions.
When selecting 'No' on the question to remove the setup the failover will be disabled. If this option is chosen to play it safe and the backup server is removed and cleaned, can the failover setup still be completely removed through the failover popup window?
What's the procedure to remove the failover setup once it's already disabled?
We have a webservice accessing the DMA on the virtual IP. Can we keep the virtual IP when deleting/removing the failover?
The procedure for removing the failover is as per DataMiner user guide, the DMA will be accessible via its actual IP whether it is disabled or deleted.

Hello Jeroen, would you perhaps provide more context as why the user would not like to delete in the first place. Do they intend to enable it again? What would the DMA be used for after failover is disabled? Is there possibility that failover will be reconfigured again?

If deleting the failover immediately is not an option, it can be deleted via the following steps after disabling it.
1. DataMiner should be uninstalled on the failover DMA as per DataMiner user guide:
2. On the DMA which is in production: Stop DataMiner, remove the DMS.xml file, start DataMiner. The DMS.xml file will be recreated without failover one the DMA is started.
Hi Christine, would you know the answer on following one?
What’s the procedure to remove the failover setup once it’s already disabled?