Unfortunately i'm running an old version of Dataminer (9.6)
This platform is polling data over HTTP API protocol but i need to move to HTTPS.
On dataminer 10.XX there is no extra settings except configuring the right HTTPS port in the Element settings.
But on version 9.6 DMA i am getting timeout when changing the port to 443.
My question is :
-Is DMA 9.6 able to manage Element polling through HTTPS ?
-How to deal with certificates from external Autority ?

As this question has now been inactive for a long time, I will close it. If you still want more information about this, could you post a new question?
I don't know if DataMiner 9.6 can handle Element polling through HTTPS, but I think it is possible to gain more insight by using Wireshark and looking at the network traffic that is generated.
If not TLS handshake is performed, I would assume it's not supported. If there is an unsuccessful handshake, the wireshark trace will tell more about the reason.
Kind regards,
Hi, Thank you for your reply.
It seems i have a TLS exchange between the client and the server.
Dataminer => Client Hello
Server => Server Hello
TLS v1.2
But it seems not ending by a “Finished” message
When i filter by tls.handshake.type == 20 there is no packet displayed.

Is there some kind of TCP reset that is being sent, that would mean the handshake failed and terminate the TLS setup.
If you want, we can set up a quick call to have a look at this together, I think that will be a bit easier then continuing here.
I see that this question has been inactive for some time. Do you still need help with this? If not, could you select the answer (using the ✓ icon) to indicate that the question is resolved?