After choosing the About option, the license tab is empty :
Following is the version info :
Server version :
Client version : 10.4.2409.2458-485239c4
Launcher version : 10.3.2324.534-f6dadc78
There is a mismatch in the launcher version but the cube/server logs do not reveal any info.
The issue was present even after cleaning the cube app cache & for all our users.
Assuming this is a client side problem, I am trying to understand if there are other things to try/check to resolve this problem. Thank you.
Hi Arunkrishna,
I'm not quite sure this will be a Cube issue can you check the license information via the client test tool ?
You should see something like this :
Kind regards,

Hi Robbe,
I did not hear back from the user again, so I will keep your answer in mind and perform the necessary actions if needed. Thank you.