Is there a limit to how many sets are queued in the set stack for a single element? Is this a fixed amount, is it based on the size of the data being set or is there no limit and will it cause SLDataMiner (I guess) to crash if it keeps increasing?
Kind regards
Hi Thomas,
As far as I know there is currently no hard limit on the amount of sets that can be queued. In any case the size is very large (100k+).
If you would run into problems because the queue becomes too large, maybe it can be solved in a different way.
What you could try to do is keeping the QAction that processes the sets as short as possible. Only some basic filtering and aggregation should be done. The remaining items are being stored in a (concurrent) queue in SLScripting. This will already ensure that less sets need to be enqueued in SLDataMiner.
Then you could trigger another QAction every X seconds that processes the items that are in that new queue. This probably allows to process the data in a more efficient way (grouping of data, less parameter sets, etc..).