I'm creating a visual overview for a few elements of the same protocol and I want to use the Link shape data to show a thumbnail. What's the best way to get the element IP address into the Link shape data? All I could think of is an automation script running when the card opens, which in turn sets a Card Variable but there must be a less complicated way, right?
Hi Robin,
The element IP is available in the 'Link' shape data as a placeholder. You can use <elementIP> which will be replaced by the polling IP when using the link (see docs).
Hi Robin,
The easiest way to have access to the element's polling IP would be for the connector(protocol) to implement a parameter of type pollingip.
Not sure if this is the case already for you but it would avoid you having to constantly compute that information and would always be available.
You could then use something like [param:DmaID/ElementID,ParameterID] to retrieve the parameter value into a variable in Visio

Alternatively, if the polling port is also important to you, you could use a parameter of type ip
Thank you. I guess I didn’t read enough “Link a shape to a…” pages in the docs to find what I was looking for.