Hi Dojo,
I am running automation script from the correlation rule and I am using correlation alarm info data in the automation script (How do I parse Correlation Alarm Info data? | DataMiner Docs).
I can't find out which severity value will be for the error state of the element. Is there any available documentation where severity integer values are described?
I found that I can set some element states using QAction (NT_SET_ELEMENT_STATE (115) | DataMiner Docs), but I can't test error state using this one. Is there any possible way to set element to error state using the QAction?
Hi Diko,
The alarm severity integer values are described/mapped in the AlarmLevel enum.

Good to hear that you found the solution you are looking for.
Thank you so much for your response. Your effort in helping me is genuinely appreciated. I wanted to mention that the AlarmLevel enum values you suggested didn’t quite align with the values I retrieved from the Correlation Alarm info data parameter (65006).
While exploring further based on your insights, I came across the AlarmEnum in the Skyline.DataMiner.Protobuf.Shared.Core.DataTypes.Alarm namespace. This particular enum turned out to be the solution to my issue.
I wanted to express my gratitude for your initial assistance; it set me on the right path.