Hi Dojo,
I am running automation script from the correlation rule and I am using correlation alarm info data in the automation script (How do I parse Correlation Alarm Info data? | DataMiner Docs).
I can't find out which severity value will be for the error state of the element. Is there any available documentation where severity integer values are described?
I found that I can set some element states using QAction (NT_SET_ELEMENT_STATE (115) | DataMiner Docs), but I can't test error state using this one. Is there any possible way to set element to error state using the QAction?
Hi Diko,
The alarm severity integer values are described/mapped in the AlarmLevel enum.

Good to hear that you found the solution you are looking for.
I wanted to provide an update on the technical issue I was facing regarding Severity values from Correlation alarm info data parameter (65006). After some exploration, I'm thrilled to share that I've found a solution that works for my specific case.
The key was to use the AlarmEnum from the Skyline.DataMiner.Protobuf.Shared.Core.DataTypes.Alarm namespace. This enum perfectly aligns with the values for alarm severities that I extract from the Correlation parameter (65006).
Thank you so much for your response. Your effort in helping me is genuinely appreciated. I wanted to mention that the AlarmLevel enum values you suggested didn’t quite align with the values I retrieved from the Correlation Alarm info data parameter (65006).
While exploring further based on your insights, I came across the AlarmEnum in the Skyline.DataMiner.Protobuf.Shared.Core.DataTypes.Alarm namespace. This particular enum turned out to be the solution to my issue.
I wanted to express my gratitude for your initial assistance; it set me on the right path.