I would like to setup a HTTP query to track the elastic performance at a customers system.
- This is the request that is used: POST /dms-csrmserviceinfo/_search?typed_keys=true&scroll=15m
- This is the body of the request: {"query":{"term":{"CustomData.serviceid.lower":{"value":"127602/201148","_name":"Term_Query_0"}}},"size":200,"sort":[],"_source":{"includes":["CustomData.fullobject"]}}
- Used Header: [{"name":"Content-type","value":"application/json"}]
But I'm running into the following issue where the status code is "498 Generic Client Error"
Logs are saying: 2023/10/06 12:35:21.568|SLManagedScripting.exe|ManagedInterop|ERR|0|441|QA998|Generic Exception|The 'Content-type' header must be modified using the appropriate property or method.
Parameter name: name
What could still be missing or wrong?
Hi Gilles,
I looked at the driver's code (Generic HTTP Query), and noticed that the content-type header is set through the HTTPWebRequest.Headers property.
However, it needs to be set through HTTPWebRequest.ContentType property.
A fix will need to be made to the driver to resolve the issue.