I was wondering if anyone already tried to edit an excel spread sheet on Sharepoint, that is shared with multiple users and that from an automation script. Not sure how easy/difficult this is...
Upon creation of a booking, when selecting certain source supplier resources (coming from 3rd party supplier), this needs to be shared with that 3rd party supplier.
Ideally, I'd like to see a dashboard that can be shared with that 3rd party supplier showing all bookings related to them.
Since dashboard sharing is currently only in soft launch, I was wondering if for a first MVP we could add booking data to a shared excel spreadsheet. Upon booking creation I'd push a line to that shared online excel file.
Any ideas/alternatives are welcome! 🙂
Hi Jochen,
There are several excel libraries you can use such as closedxml, remember that in your code you will need to impersonate a user that has access to the shared location to be able to write to the file. When used in office 365, the Microsoft Graph API could be an alternative, but I have not tried this yet.