is there an easy to get an Are you sure you want to continue message box with an automation script without building an complete ui with the uibuilder?
You could use the following method to show a message box (with a custom message in this case):
private static bool Confirm(IEngine engine, string message)
var uiBuilder = new UIBuilder();uiBuilder.Append(message);
uiBuilder.AppendButton("okBtn", "OK");
uiBuilder.AppendButton("cancelBtn", "Cancel");var uiResults = engine.ShowUI(uiBuilder);
return uiResults.WasButtonPressed("okBtn");
This will then return true/false depending if the user confirmed or not.
Also note that this does imply that the script is executed by a user. If not, you'll need to use "FindInteractiveClient" so a user can first attach to the script.
Hi Gerwin,
I am not sure if it will help, but a possible option is to use the action 'User interaction' (DataMiner Docs - User Interaction):
Might be an option, the rest is c# code though, but maybe i can use this. I’ll have look.
I was afread it would be indeed using the UIbuilder, but this seems simple enough 🙂