Under the C# documentation for GetTableKeyMappings, it states that this function returns an object of type "DynamicTableIndicesResponse". However the link to this documentation is broken and I can't find mention of it anywhere else in the documentation.
I've managed to trace its inheritance back to the DMSMessage class, but the links for this are also broken in the documentation.
Does anyone know how the return value of GetTableKeyMappings should be handled in an automation script?
Here are the only references to this object:
Method GetTableKeyMappings | DataMiner Docs
Method GetTableKeyMappings | DataMiner Docs
Method GetTableKeyMappings | DataMiner Docs
This is where the link is supposed to lead to: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/api/types/Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.DynamicTableIndicesResponse.html
Hi Nick,
The class DynamicTableIndicesResponse indeed seems to be missing in the documentation. We will fix that. In the meantime I can already provide a bit more information.
The DynamicTableIndicesResponse class has a property Indices, which is an array of DynamicTableIndex objects.
Each DynamicTableIndex object has an IndexValue and DisplayValue property:
- IndexValue: the primary key of the table row
- DisplayValue: the display key of the table row
The DynamicTableIndicesResponse class also has two public methods:
- MapToDisplay(string key): maps a primary key to it's corresponding display key.
- MapToKey(string displayKey): maps a display key to it's corresponding primary key.
Update: the DynamicTableIndex class has been added now to the docs: https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/api/types/Skyline.DataMiner.Net.Messages.DynamicTableIndex.html
Great, thank you, that’s exactly what I needed!