Hi Dojo,
In order to prevent RTEs on large tables, I have changed some SNMP tables that from multipleGetBulk + instance to multipleGetNext + instance + partialSNMP:3
See the difference below:
This is resulting in various logs:
The tables seem to be otherwise unaffected -> no not initialized or duplicate columns.
What is the reason for this happening/should the customer be worried?
For reference: this is the Evertz MVIPII: version is the multiple get bulk and version is the multiplegetnext + partialSNMP
Alex Johnson
EDIT: Here is a screen grab of the development logging. You can see duplicate key is happening after the qaction is called, but there doesn't seem to be anything else that's interesting.
Hi Alex,
Are you sure you weren't seeing these errors without using partialSNMP? To my knowledge this should not have any effect on this as the table will only be updated in bulk once all rows have been retrieved.
The error logging seems to not log the keys in their "natural order". The specific table you are referring to in the Evertz MVIPII does trigger a QAction to populate additional columns in that table. I would start by having a better look in that QAction to determine if there aren't any issues there. You could enable "development logging" to quickly determine if these errors are logged before or after the QAction is triggered.

Hi Alex, we were able to find an open ticket in the meantime specifically linked to the issues you are describing. The device in question is sending multiple responses with the same OID, leading to duplicate errors on the element logs.
Hi Joey,
I am positive. When removing partialSNMP, it stops the errors. But we need partialSNMP to avoid RTEs.
I enabled development loggings and can see that it is happening after running QAction 500. But the log isn’t very helpful. I’ve added a SS of the log to the original question.
Other notes:
-It seems that even commenting everything out in the qaction will cause these issues
-When using partialSNMP:3, I get duplicate keys for all the indexes starting with 2 (2.1 through 2.4) and only that (table 2900). When increasing partialSNMP to 15, for example, we get duplicate keys for much more keys.