Hello! Recently I've seen the following message on numerous systems when going to the Reports & Dashboards page, mostly on 9.6
This seems to be happening pretty often especially after a restart. The reporter page does eventually work after waiting past 10 minutes. My question is what would cause the reporter to take so long to initialize? About 300 alarms were created in the last 24 hours and the alarms table itself only has about 300,000 records so I don't think the number of alarms is the issue. What else can we check to find a possible root cause? Thank you very much in advance!
Hi Luis
The next time that the reporter is unavailable, could you check if these work?
- The new reporter
http://localhost/dashboard/#/ - The "old" reporter
It's also interesting to know what the SLASPConnection.txt and SLNet.txt log file says when it's unavailable, perhaps also have a look with log level = 5.
Finally, just as a side note and I'm sure you know this, it's just that you mention a v9.6 system. We advise to upgrade these v9.6 systems to the latest main release. This way the customer can use the latest features (incl the new reporter) with the latest fixes, so in short so the customer can enjoy their system even more
Hi Robin. Thank you for the info! I’ll definitely suggest going to the reports page directly. We’re hoping that the customer will upgrade to 10.1 very soon. It’s been on the testing stage for over a year.