In DMS Maps application (eg googlemap) is it possible to display/hide a layer from a script ?

Hi Wim,
on the map I display sites based on view structure. when I select a view a popup is displayed with information on the site. From this popup i would like to be able to show/hide some layers related to the selected view
Hi Bernard,
And from this popup, you would like to show/hide layers from the current map?
Or when clicking a link in the popup you would like to open another map with specific layers?

Hi Miguel,
Could be layer of the current map.
is it possible to display layer of other map ?
In a popup (balloon) of a marker, it's possible to configure a link that shows a specific layer (see docs):
<a href="#" class="showlayer">layer name</a>
or with a variable (works the same way as showing other variables in a popup):
<a href="#" class="showlayer"><small>[View]</small></a>
Can you give some more information on what exactly you’re trying to achieve?