Hi, I'm working on purchasing SSL certificates (DV-SSL) for my DMA which currently residing on a VM machine. However, I'm having a problem to identify its domain despite guide by the Tech Support team to refer to the device full name. Could any of you assist me on this? Thanks.

Hi Mohammed,
If you open a command prompt on the DMA and execute 'ipconfig /all', you will find the following under the Windows IP configuration:
- host name, e.g. dma01
- primary DNS suffix, e.g. example.com
If you combine those, you have the FDQN (fully qualified domain name):
Note that you can make additional DNS records on your DNS servers. This allows you to make easy to remember URLs even if the host name of the VM is a rather cryptic name. Sometimes the computer or host name could be difficult and rather generic. Then you can create a DNS record, e.g. dataminer.example.com which points to your DMA host name.
Then you need to purchase an SSL certificate for that DNS record or host name, whatever you want to use. Or even more flexible, is to purchase a wildcard certificate, e.g. *.example.com. Then you can use this certificate for any sub domain of your example.com domain. That is the most flexible option.
PS: it is possible that your internal domain name uses the .local extension, e.g. example.local. Then I believe it won't be possible to get a domain validated SSL certificate for that, I believe that is only possible for public domains. But then you can again put a DNS record on it, e.g. dataminer.example.com pointing to dma01.example.local
Let us know if something is not 100% clear.
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