Is there is a way to know from a cloud connected agent:
- if SPI data is being stored in the cloud?
- what SPI data that would be
- how often each SPI stores its data
And is this configurable somewhere?
Hi Mieke,
- As soon as your system is cloud-connected it will start sending SPI's to the cloud. However, I don't think you can actually verify this other than by looking at the log file for the CloudFeed service (C:\ProgramData\Skyline Communications\DataMiner CloudFeed\Logs). It's also possible to setup a proxy between the cloud & DataMiner, then you'll see all traffic being sent to the cloud. For more information see Proxy Server.
- See Toon's answer to this question, Overview of System Performance Indicators. For the SPI's generated by Cube you can also open the Cube logging and check 'Show SPI logging'. For SPI's generated by other tools, I haven't found a way to visualize them.
- I think you can see the interval in the CloudFeed app settings, located in C:\Program Files\Skyline Communications\DataMiner CloudFeed\appsettings.json. EventHubConfigurations.SendIntervalMs, it looks like the default is 100 milliseconds.
It's also possible to disable the offloading of SPI's to the cloud in the Admin app (https://admin.dataminer.services):

1. It’s not unlikely that nothing is sent out on your system, is the DataMiner CloudFeed service running on your system? Is the cloud connection valid in System Center of Cube?
2. I don’t think you have to configure these manually, when I view the SPI definitions in the ClientTest tool, I have several with the name WatchDog.Report.* (I’m running 10.2.9)
3. It looks like this 100ms interval is when the spi’s are pushed to the cloud. The interval at which the SPI’s are generated was indeed too high (see RN 33980), from 10.2.9 this should be improved.

Seems there is some confusion about the rate at which SPIs are sent to the cloud. So let me clarify:
1. The rate at which an SPI is generated depends on the client that is sending them. If you are looking at “Watchdog.Report” SPI then it’s the SLWatchdog process that decided how frequently these are generated.
2. The 100ms shown in the SLCloudFeed configuration is how frequently we will send a batch of events to the cloud. This does not have any influence on the amount of SPI events sent to the cloud.
3. In the cloud we are writing SPI away to the storage every 5 min. So it can take some time until the SPI is available for you to read.
What SPI data is sent depends again on the client producing the SPI. While publishing an SPI the client can decide if the SPI should be enabled by default or not. We are only collecting SPI events that are active by default. To get a list of these SPIs you can find them in the client test tool Diagnostics > SPI > Definitions. There should be an indication there if the SPI is enabled or not.

Thanks for the extra info.
I’ve upgraded both DataMiner and the Cloud pack and now I see the Watchdog SPIs in the Definitions of the Client Test tool.
However, still no data in the cloud.
I now do get a failed message in C:ProgramDataSkyline CommunicationsDataMiner CloudFeedLogs: Failed to get CloudFeedToken[SLCloudFeed.Util.SettingsCache.ISettingsCache]
Any idea where to look for more info / how to fix?

Can’t say for certain what the issues is here. But a good place to start is to check if the cloud connection is still valid. This can be checked in Cube>System Center>Cloud page. You should see a checkmark next to Cloud session.
If this is not the case you should renew the session. The issues in CloudFeed will resolve themselves after a while, restarting the service will resolve these issues immediately.
If the system was cloud connected then the CloudGateway logging can probably provide you with more info about wat is going wrong.
Thank you for the clear response.
1. The file is empty on my side: does that mean nothing is sent out?
2. I had expected to see SPI Topics related to Watchdog.Report do these need to be configured separately? I’m using DMA version
3. Does that mean that “any” SPI result is send to the cloud every 100ms? isn’t that very fast for data that would be relative static such as licenses.