Hi Dojo,
I have a DMA backup file (.dmbackup). I have converted it to a zip file from where I can access the files inside.
- How can I find in which version of DataMiner the backup was taken ? (I do not have the Upgrades folder inside, so no VersionHistory)
- How can I find if it was 'full backup' or 'full backup without database' ?
Arunkrishna Shreeder [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Selected answer as best 8th August 2021
Hey Arunkrishna,
- There should be an Upgrade folder present in the case of a full backup, in other cases there is no real way to know on which version the backup was taken I think.
- You can find this info in the Description.txt inside the package
Brent Alleweireldt [SLC] Answered question 5th August 2021