I paired 2 cloud based DM Legs, configured VIPAcquired.ps1 file and run it with Powershell. However there are 2 issues which randomly acquire usually on inactive leg. Running PowerShell sometimes give us this error, although after rebooting EC2, it'll resolve and the error appear on the other leg and sometime the server is not accessible although the EC2 is running. As the result of these problem, the failover is not working and sometimes the DM stuck in Disconnected state until the server or EC2 is rebooted. Any suggestion?
Another new message for disconnected server. Is this something which DM may caused?

Hi Landan,
Normally DataMiner should execute the script automatically:
more information can be found here:
Were you able to create the access key, and do the other steps from the configuration?

Hi Thibault
There are couple of issue here. The script didn’t exist in installation or upgrade package and we had to obtain that manually. And because it didn’t exist in original installation, we had to run it once using power shell to make sure it works.
Another issue was also that even when dataminer was running that in background, sometimes it would get stock I think mainly because of the issue which I explained. so if we can’t run it with shell, DM couldn’t run it either.

The configuration was correct and the we could run the script sometimes I think depending on if DM was running or not. After upgrade to version 10.3.6 I think the issue for running script was resolved. However there’s still problem with failover and also the server get disconnected sometimes during failover and it’ll be only accessible using IP address
Dear Ladan,
I was indeed going to ask what version you’re using but 10.3.6 should indeed cover this.
We’re currently testing heavily on failover and failover with hostnames, I’ll take this in to account in our testing and keep you posted about our outcome.
Kind regards,
Hi Ladan,
Has this problem been resolved yet? If yes, could you select the answer that has been the most helpful so that this question is closed?