We need to display a web page on a visio embeded on a shape to display a graph on a dataminer screen, similar to here:https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Basic_Functionality/Visio/linking_shapes/Linking_a_shape_to_a_webpage.html?q=web
However, not all places where the dataminer client is launched has access to the URL used.
Given the dataminer server has network connectivity to the address of the webpage, is it possible to render the webpage from the server side, so the webpage can be viewed by any operator launching the dataminer cube from anyplace within our network? i.e. how would we embed the webpage?
DataMiner exposes some endpoints that you can use, and 'Documents' is one of them. Practically speaking, you can use the 'Link' shape data with value '#https://<DMAIP>/Documents/dojo.html'. It will look into the 'C:\Skyline DataMiner\Documents' folder for this webpage.
When using this feature in a cluster, the Documents folder can be handy (for small files) because the contents are synchronized through all agents. This will allow you to connect to any agent and still view the web page.

Indeed, this solution only works when this is not an external website.