Hi Dojo,
I am trying to display some customer booking properties on the Dataminer Service linked to a booking. According to the documentation this should also be possible by using the [this service] placeholder for the reservation identification.
See below the example. The upper part uses the placeholder but this doesn't show anything. The lower part uses the reservation GUID and that works fine.
Any idea why the syntax with the [this service] placeholder doesn't work here?
Somewhere in the documentation I found that in this case the ReservationID property of the service is used (See link). But not sure if this ReservationID property is a custom property which needs the Reservation GUI or something else. I tried anyway creating a custom property on the service "ReservationID" and fill it with the reservation guid but that didn't work either.
Thanks a lot for any feedback!

The same unfortunately. Also nothing 🙁
Hi Koen,
I had to make use of a different separator because sometimes the booking name contains a comma (','). Not sure if that's the case for your end user?

Thanks for the suggestion. But in this case it is not a problem. No “,” in the reservation of service names.
Hi Koen,
What is the output if you add a placeholder [Reservation:[this service],ID]