We operate DataMiner in a restricted-access environment. Is there a full list somewhere of all the websites that DIS / Visual Studio would need access via a proxy to operate correctly & fully?
I'm aware that nuget.org and github.com are two. I assume that dataminer.services is another. Could someone help by providing the full list please?
Hi Alex
I assume that this is what you are looking for: Prerequisites | DataMiner Docs

Hi Michiel – isn’t GitHub missing as Alex pointed out? Or in more general terms the repo’s that you use? Not a requirement directly related to DataMiner itself, but then again maybe worth noting for the user using our Prerequisites check?

For DIS itself, github.com is not needed. This is probably for the Git extension of Visual Studio itself.
As far as I know, the prerequisites that are mentioned are sufficient.

A note (like you have for nuget.org) mentioning the “source code repository of your choice” might be useful, as Ben suggests. I agree that it is not needed for DIS to work.
That is exactly what I was looking for (and failed to find before asking!). Thank you.