Is it possible to use DataMiner Integration Studio offline?
Hi Loes,
You can only use DIS offline for a limited time (e.g.: while commuting). At regular intervals a license check is done for which internet connection is needed.
Hi Loes, the cached offline license remains valid for one month without internet connection.
Note that you might be affected by losing on the latest functionalities added, in normal situation you keep using online. (offline is really to overcome some critical situations where you connection is dropped). From a commercial point of view, DIS is part of the DataMiner.Services portfolio and hence part of your Tier Cloud subscription (for perpetual models) or our monthly user allowance (for usage-based models). You can purchase it both ways or if you join our DataMiner DevOps Professional program, as soon you reach a certain level, DIS is free of charge for you…
Hi Jens,
Thank you for your answer. Do you know the duration of the intervals?