Using DM cube, some of the devices which were connected are now in timeout and their communication state is "Not Responding" but the IP addresses have not changed and the device settings have not been changed. Could this be a connection problem in the network of the devices, or could it be repairable in dataminer?
Marieke Goethals [SLC] [DevOps Catalyst] Selected answer as best 17th July 2023

To add to Ive's answer
Typically SNMP uses port 161 and HTTP uses 80 or 443 but this depends on the elements configuration and could be different. On the element, right click - > edit.
Randy Ulvenes [SLC] [DevOps Advocate] Answered question 20th March 2022
Hi Bethany,
There could indeed be many reasons why your element goes into timeout. Can you share with us what connector (driver) you are using?
Some connectors have multiple connections (e.g. HTTP(s), serial, SNMP). So it could be that one of these connections or all are causing your timeout. In the settings (edit) of your element, you are able to define which connection can contribute to the timeout state. When right-clicking the element you can also open streamviewer (view => streamviewer) which will show you what data is being send-out or received by DataMiner for that element. I would advise to already have a look there and provide us with a bit more information so that we can narrow down why you are seeing these timeouts.