Hello everyone,
I have the problem that I have deleted an element in the surveyor but it is still creating two active alarms.
"Load Element Failed" & "Start Element Failed".
Even after restarting the DMA this alarm ist still showing. Is it possible that the element is still present in some database and has to be manually deleted again?
Thanks for everyone's help.
Best regards
Hi Ive,
thank you for the quick reply. Unfortunately there is no such folder existing.

Hi Ive,
yes I can clear the alarm with right click.
We are using version

Hi Chris,
To be sure I have my facts right, if you clear the alarm, does it come back after a dataminer restart?
Hi Ive,
thanks for you help. The issue has been resolved with clearing the alarms. I was not sure to do that but the alarms haven’t come up with a restart afterwards.
Hi Chris,
Can you remove the alarm by using the right-click menu on the alarm?
What version of DataMiner are you currently using?