In a Visual Overview drawing with multiple element shapes - each having some interface sub-shapes - I only want to visualize the DCF connection lines between those explicitly defined interface sub-shapes. Other connections which might exist between the elements, should not be shown.
In our docs, I found:
- From DataMiner version 8.5.4 onwards, connections to non-existing interfaces of a parent shape are not shown. The default behavior in older versions is for the connections to be redirected to the center of the parent shape. If you want the same behavior to occur from version 8.5.4 onwards, add a shape data field to the parent shape of type Options, and set its value to "AllowCentralConnectivity".
However, without defining the option, it seems the lines are still drawn between the center of the element shapes.
Is there any way to avoid this?
Hi Ruben,
As you noted, the default behavior is that no connection lines are drawn to the center of the shape when one or more interface shapes are present. However, in your scenario, using a [Param:] placeholder in the Interface shape data creates a race condition, causing connections to be made both to the center of the shape and to the interface shape. We will address this race condition in the software and provide an update once it's resolved.

This has been resolved as of DataMiner 10.3 (CU18), 10.4 (CU6) and 10.4.9.