I can work out how to display a Connection Property on the Visual Display. But how do you display a Interface Property?
For my case, each interface as its own IP address. I want to show the IP address next to its interface.
Is that possible?

Assuming you're referring to interfaces that come from a table parameter, you can link to different parameters from that same interface row with the InterfaceParameter template shape.
Create a simple shape anywhere in your page, set its Options shape data to InterfaceParameter:<paramID> and put "*" in the shape text.
NOTE: It's been a while since I set this up myself so I hope I interpreted the help and remembered correctly. Let me know if it's not working and I'll try to set something up locally.
Thanks, Toon, for the response. I’m still unable to get it to work though.

Could you provide us with some more info by editing your original question? Where are the interfaces defined, what are you trying to achieve, what have you tried in Visual Overview…? Thanks.
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