When you want to share a DB cluster among several DMS, it's possible in the db.xml to specify the <DB> or prefix>
what is the difference between those 2 xml tags ? and which one need to be use ?
Hi Bernard,
As you can see in DB.xml | DataMiner Docs , the "<DB>db_prefix</DB>" tag should be used to determine the prefix associated with each DMS in the database.
I am not sure about the <prefix> option.
In what context did you encounter this?

The tag would be used in C:Skyline DataMinerDBConfiguration.xml before version 10.4.0. A file that was mostly used for Configuring Multiple geographically separated. Elasticsearch clusters.
As such, I believe this tag is not relevant for what you want to do.
See https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Advanced_Functionality/Databases/Indexing_database/Elasticsearch/dedicated_clustered_storage/Configuring_database/Configuring_multiple_Elasticsearch_clusters.html?tabs=tabid-2
For your information, you can also set this via Cube > System Center.
Hi Laurens,
Someone from platform team provide me an example that use instead of