I would like to use Dataminer's webservices api v1 to list alarms with this filter created in the alarm console. Any help form anyone with webservice v1 experience will be greatly appreciated.
Hi, follow these steps:

You can specify the additional fields you want in the 'Columns' tag.
Described here > https://docs.dataminer.services/develop/webservices/WS_v1/WS_CustomDataTypes_v1/DMAAlarmFilterV2.html
For example to return the 'views' field:
Will this work with alarm properties too

Yes it will. Described in link above also.
I am not too sure if I am implementing this properly but is this the correct way to add the column for an alarm property called ServiceName
Thank you, this sounds good and does work but does not return all the fields i want in the response. Is there another method that will return all fields of an alarm; For example custom fields?