We are working to upgrade the dataminer form 8.5 to 9.5. As 8.5 is working with MySQL and on 9.5 we have Cassandra and MySQL and we are facing some issues while migrating from MySQL to cassandra. Will it be fine to run the system with MySQL or in near future MySQL will be obsoleted with new releases and supports only Cassandra.
Hi Daud,
We will no longer support MySQL as database starting from DM v10.3.x (Q4 2022). See also https://community.dataminer.services/3rd-party-software-support-life-cycle/

Hi Daud,
Regarding the end of support for MySQL, please check Third-Party Software Support Life Cycle. In this case the recommendation is to complete the migration to Cassandra.
Note that the software support life cycle information has been moved to https://docs.dataminer.services/user-guide/Reference/Software_support_life_cycles.html#third-party-software-support-life-cycle.