Is there a description available that explains what an SRM contributing service is?
A contributing booking is a booking that can contribute to other regular/main bookings. Meaning it can generate a ‘contributing’ resource which can be part of other booking(s). A typical example is a satellite reception chain, where we can include the antenna and demodulator resources in a booking generating a ‘Rx Sat’ contributing resource. The ‘Rx Sat’ resource can then be part of multiple regular bookings also containing a decoder resource.
A contributing booking has a Lock Lifecycle attribute (Locked , Unlocked) defining how it behaves compared to the main booking. Without going into details, a ‘Locked’ booking will typically follow the Booking Life Cycle of the main booking ( ie : finishing a main booking will finish the associated ‘Locked’ booking(s) ), while an ‘Unlocked’ booking will have its own Booking Life Cycle, independent from the main booking(s) associated with it.
In term of licensing, a ‘Locked’ contributing booking will not use a credit of the SRM capacity license.
Contributing bookings are typically used to cover following use cases :
- re-using a part of the chain in multiple bookings ( satellite use case where a contributing booking is created for the antenna and demodulator resources ). Do note concurrency and time-dependent capabilities can also be used to cover such use cases
- hiding low level details (interconnection of devices connected on different routers => a contributing is created to hide the physical ports and tie-lines used to interconnect them )
Below a visual of the satellite downlink use case described by Emmanuel.