Hi All
Please can anyone confirm what cloud platforms can be used when using the DM SaaS offering. E.g. can it be built on Azure, Google and AWS etc or is it just one or two of those?
Many Thanks
Hi Stuart, we use MS Azure when we host DataMiner as a service (i.e. SaaS)
Is there UK based Geo location for resilience?

Yes, when choosing for DaaS (Dataminer as a Service), then this will be hosted in Azure, and you can choose from one of the available locations Microsoft Azure supports.
You could of course also host it yourself in any cloud provider, but then you need to manage the DMS yourselves.

Also, just to add for sake of clarity:
When it comes to business models, we support both Perpetual Use Licenses (typically combined with an annual support & upgrade service), and a Usage-Based model. You can use any of those in a self-hosted environment (which could be on-prem or in your private cloud environment, with a Cloud Service Provider of your choosing).
More: https://docs.dataminer.services/dataminer-overview/Pricing/Pricing_Commercial_Models.html
DataMiner as a Service refers to Skyline hosting the solution for you (and we do that in Azure exclusively, but you do have a choice of region as Bruno and Bert pointed out), and in that case you are automatically on the Usage-Based model.
And for sake of completeness – we are also about to launch our DataMiner Storage as a Service. This service is an alternative for your self-hosted data storage (Cassandra/Elastic). So in case you opt for a self-hosted solution, you can still opt to have the storage part as a service separately. This way you do not have to worry about setting up a storage infrastructure, and having to think about what the exact scale is that you will need in the coming years. If you use DataMiner as a Service, then DataMiner Storage as a Service is automatically included for obvious reasons. More: https://community.dataminer.services/dataminer-staas-a-game-changer-for-your-storage-needs/
Thank you, that is very helpful.