Hi, whenever I restart my DataMiner Agent, it appears to find a wrong IP adress and assign this as the primary IP address. This IP address is added to the DMS.xml file, and is blocking upgrades as the VerifyClusterPorts check believes this DMA is in a cluster and cannot contact the non-existing second agent.
In the SLNet logging I could find at startup a log entry "Primary IP (from registry)" that has this wrong IP. I suspect this means something is wrong with my windows configuration, but I'm not sure where to start looking. Has someone come across this issue before and found a solution?
On startup, SLNet tries to resolve the IP address through either
- NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces() (GetIPProperties() on first returned interface)
- First non-ipv6 address returned through Dns.GetHostEntry(String.Empty)
Hope this can help in figuring out where the IP address originates from

Hi Wouter, this helped me find the cause. It was a VPN application that created an extra interface but did not clean it up when uninstalling. After deleting this network interface from the device manager and a reboot, the issue was resolved.